Information and education platform on sustainability in architecture and real estate. Here you will find information on courses and seminars on current legislation and technologies, links to resources, methodologies, inspirational case studies and a range of sustainability consultancy.

No events in english are currently scheduled

Explore events in Czech language

Professional consultation will make your sustainable project more efficient

Consultancy services with 50% discount from leading sustainability experts. We can help you move towards sustainable architecture. We provide consultations to architects and planners, developers, public investors and city representatives, and other professionals.

Explore the range of consultations
Project support to achieve the principles of the passive standard
Sustainability in public procurement
Sustainability for architects and developers
Personalized consultation

Online seminars on sustainable architecture and construction

Circular architecture

CZK 500
Czech only

The seminar presents the principles of circular design in all phases of a building's life and practical examples from practice in the Czech Republic and abroad. We will look at sustainable architecture at the scale of buildings, interior fittings and circular cities. You will learn what LCA analysis of materials and structures is and how to approach renovations. An essential part of the seminar are practical examples of good practice from the Czech Republic, where concrete solutions and used materials will be presented. You will also hear about difficulties in permitting or negotiating with investors, and how to overcome them.


Carbon neutrality of buildings

CZK 500
Czech only

The seminar presents basic concepts related to carbon neutrality and emissions in all phases of a building's life and practical examples from practice in the Czech Republic and abroad. We will look at the carbon footprint of buildings, the possibilities of reducing it and the current legislation. You will learn more about the EU taxonomy, the EU framework Level(s), what LCA analysis of materials and structures is, and how passive and active ways of increasing energy efficiency differ from each other. Practical examples of good practice from the Czech Republic are an essential part of the seminar


Blue-green infrastructure

CZK 500
Czech only

The seminar summarizes the principles, shows the basic prerequisites for their implementation, benefits and pitfalls, and the meaning of using blue-green infrastructure in the planning and management of settlements. In the seminar, we look at various blue-green infrastructure measures from the point of view of their effectiveness, appropriateness of use and the difficulty of their implementation.


Information resources and legislation

Sustainable Solutions Database

web application

Database of sustainable solutions in architecture, including demonstrations with concrete examples


Adapterra Brochure


A booklet of completed projects focusing on adaptation solutions in the city and landscape


Adapterra Awards database

web application

Online database of examples of implemented projects focused on adaptation solutions in cities and landscapes.


We are ClimArchiBase

The platform is being developed within the LIFE ClimArchiBase project, which involves four Czech non-profit organisations working on the sustainability of buildings and cities.

About ClimArchiBase



LIFE ClimArchiBase supported by